• March 18, 2024

FINER: Find your INner powER online event in Greece

FINER: Find your INner powER online event in Greece

FINER: Find your INner powER online event in Greece 1024 544 Olga Yocheva

On 17th January 2024, the Lifelong Learning Centre KAINOTOMIA organised an excellent event on mental health and well-being. The event was mainly attended by young people interested in learning more about online stress management tools, but also by professionals working with young people. During the event, the results of the project were presented through its website, in particular the online 3D mall and its corners. In addition, participants discussed the need for mental health empowerment, took part in a quiz where the Mentimeter was used for a short mental well-being check, created a word cloud on the meaning of the concept of wellbeing and at the end took a quiz to summarise what was discussed. The evaluation of the event provided positive results and the content was considered relevant to their professional needs, with the majority expressing interest in using the mental health tools presented. Thank you very much!

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