
Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC) 150 150 Loukas Charala

Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC)

In solidarity with textile workers, the CCC campaigns for fair working conditions in the global textile industry. It calls on companies to take more responsibility and on governments to pass laws that prevent human rights abuses by companies. The CCC is represented in 16 European countries (international office in Amsterdam) and globally works with a…

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Yes We Can Clinics 150 150 Loukas Charala

Yes We Can Clinics

Yes We Can Youth Clinics treats teenagers and young adults with a 10-week treatment programme followed by a tailor-made aftercare programme. The treatment programme in the clinic consists of daily group sessions, multiple one-on-one sessions every week, psycho-education, various evidence-based therapies and challenging sports and outdoor activities that contribute to the treatment programme’s goals. By…

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