Considering the importance of protecting the well-being of young adults, FINER project partners plan to design and develop the Well-Being E-Book which will be online and offline. This E-Book will address topics such as What is Well-being? The Importance of Well-being, Our Well- being and our Social Life, Mindfulness and Physical Activity, Nutrition and Daily Balance, Personal Development, Active Citizenship and Volunteering, and how young people can control their own Environment and connect with their local environment. Through these eight (8) units, we aim to provide holistic support to young adults to address their wellbeing.

The second Project Result is called the “Target Finder Toolkit”. This result aims to support adult educators to work with young adults, help them to adapt to post-COVID living, and to make changes in their personal and professional lives. This is an innovative tool that will help adult educators coach young adults in redesigning and redirecting their lives to reflect their new reality.

The third and final Project Result is very special. As part of this Result, FINER partners will design and develop an Online 3D Mall Platform. The Online 3D Mall will invite young adults and adult educators to navigate the virtual world of a 3D Mall and explore different paths for improving their well-being. Also, through the online 3D Mall Platform, FINER will host a virtual marketplace where stakeholders and organisations work to provide well-being services to young adults in each country – Austria, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, and Italy.

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