Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V.
Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. (JKPeV) was founded in 2004 in Dresden and is dedicated to Education, Culture and Art. We are a team of project managers, event managers, political scientists, sociologists, historians, youth workers, artists, designers and film makers who wish to make Dresden and other cities in Europe better places to live, grow, create and peacefully co-exist.
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The Rural Hub CLG
The Rural Hub was set up as an association by a group of education, training and rural development professionals as a response to the impact of the economic crisis on small rural villages and towns in Ireland. Since it was first established in 2012, The Rural Hub has been providing a wide range of training and capacity development programmes to local residents and community groups.
We specialise in the area of community development and have developed a number of local initiatives to support the social inclusion of disadvantaged rural youth, migrant communities and isolated older residents. We work with these groups, using creative approaches and the testing of digital media resources to support greater social cohesion among local communities in County Cavan. We have a developed network of county-wide stakeholders who support our work on a thematic basis.

KAINOTOMIA Center for Lifelong Learning
“KAINOTOMIA” is a Center for Lifelong Learning in Greece, operating in the field of VET. with more than 60 continuous vocational training programs targeted at multiple groups for the development of professional opportunities and their promotion and integration into the labour market and the society.
KAINOTOMIA provides business consultancy to companies & support services to trainees to facilitate their (re) entrance into the labour market. KAINOTOMIA is a member of Association of Thessalian in Enterprises and Industries and has strong collaboration with the Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas.

University of Turin
“The University of Turin is one of the most ancient and prestigious Italian Universities. Hosting over 79.000 students and with 120 buildings in different areas in Turin and in key places in Piedmont, the University of Turin can be considered as “city-within-a-city”, promoting culture and producing research, innovation, training and employment.
The University carries out scientific research and organizes courses in all disciplines, except for Engineering and Architecture. It is an integral part of the community, acting for reviving urban and suburban areas, promoting cultural interaction, social integration and development, encouraging dialogue and insight into current realities.”

Cellock Ltd
Cellock is a leading Information Technology Corporation, founded in 2003, which operates in the fields of custom Software and Hardware Development, and it specializes in the areas of Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation, and Business Intelligence.
Cellock is an international company with presence in the USA, Romania, Greece, Cyprus, and Germany, and is active in the industries of serves the industries of Fintech, Health, Agritech, Maritime, Government, Marketing and Retail.

SÜDWIND Verein für Entwicklungspolitik und globale Gerechtigkeit
Südwind is an Austrian NGO that was founded in 1979. Südwind applies the unique international development expertise it has acquired to both its teaching work, particularly “”Global Learning“, and its PR and Campaign work.
Südwind’s work in Austria is conducted by a network of regional offices and partners. On local, regional, national, and international levels, Südwind cooperates with organizations and institutions in the fields of international development, education, environment, culture, and social issues, as well as with various civil society networks and important political figures. Südwind regularly carries out projects of its own, and makes its know-how available to other organizations and institutions.